Menace Beach Instructions Typed By The Impavid One
Game copyright Color Dreams

CONTROL PAD:   Left/Right moves Scooter around.

BUTTON A:      Causes Scooter to Jump.

BUTTON B:      Causes Scooter to punch while on the ground,
or causes him to spinkick while in the air.  Also allows Scooter to pick 
up or throw a bottle or a bomb.

START BUTTON:  Starts and Pauses the game.

SELECT BUTTON: Will detonate a bomb Scooter throws.
                       SPECIAL OBJECTS 

BUNNY:  Scooter's girlfriend.

BOTTLE: Thrown from windows, manholes, & crates.

BOMB:   Also thrown from windows, manholes, and crates.  Bombs kill you if 
you are in their explosion radius.

Your sassy but lovable girl-friend has stood you up again, or has she?  
Bunny was all set for this afternoon's rendezvous at the malt shop, when 
she was mysteriously abducted by Demon Dan.  Armed only with street-smart 
reflexes and a fair amount of youthful wit, you set out on your souped-up 
skateboard. You will confront an impossible  number of challenging enemies 
such as disgruntled     dock workers, evil clowns, schools of pirahnas, 
nasty ninjas, and sumos.  To turn the odds in  your favor, you must make use 
bombs, bottles, balloons, frogs, and fire hydrants.  Finally you will find 
Demon Dan in his dark and dreary underground caverns.  You must defeat him 
to save Bunny from his evil clutches.

Control Pad: Pushing Left & Right moves Scooter around
Button A: Causes Scooter to jump.  Holding the Down Arrow and pressing the 
"A" Button while Scooter is in the air causes him to remain in the air a 
moment longer.
Button B: Causes Scooter to Punch while on the ground, or causes him to 
spinkick while in the air.  Also allows Scooter to pick up or throw a bottle 
or a bomb.  If you press the "B" Button while pushing down on the Joypad, 
Scooter will throw the object straight down.  Pressing the "B" Button while 
Scooter is in the air causes him to remain in the air a moment longer.
Start Button: Starts & Pauses the game
Select Button: Will detonate a bomb Scooter throws

Bottle - Thrown from windows, manholes, & crates, bottles will hurt you 
while they are spinning in the air.  Wait until they are sitting on the 
ground, and you can pick them up and use them as weapons.  Hurry because 
they only remain on the ground for a few seconds.  Health Loss: 1/6 Heart.
Bomb - Also thrown from windows, manholes, and crates, bombs kill you if you 
are in their explosion radius.  If you pick up a bomb and throw it, the 
"Select" Button serves as a detonator.  All bombs eventually explode on 
their own.  Health Loss: 1/6 heart.
Wrench - Similar to bottles but only found in sewers.  Health Loss: 1/6 Heart.
Springer - Found in the sewers and on the piers, a springer flings you in 
to the air.  Health Loss: None.
Banana - Cannot be picked up.  If you touch a banana, you will wipe out and
temporarily lose control.  Health Loss: None.

Balloon -  Released from manholes or stolen from ZOBO the evil clown, a 
balloon allows you to temporarily float above the ground.  To grab a balloon,
simply touch it.  Health Loss: None.
Flicker - Flickers are only found in the sewers.  Upon contact a flipper will
either fling you left or right, depending on which direction it is spinning.  
Health Loss: None.
Mine - Found only in the sewers, a mine is triggered after it is stepped on 
by anyone.  A second later, it explodes.  Health Loss: Life.
Light Switch - Touch this switch and the lights in the sewer turn on or off.  
The switch is also tripped by wrenches, bombs, and pelvis.
Heart - Touch it and you health level increases by one full heart.  
Extra Life - Gives you one extra life

Wan Ka Pow - A sneaky and clever ninja.  Three punches and/or spinkicks will 
take care of this high kicker.  It's quicker to defeat him with bottles or 
bombs.  He resides near the beachfront.  Health Loss: 2/3 Heart.
Zobo - Don't be fooled by Zobo Zobo's innocent looks.  Those water balloons 
he throws do more than just splash.  splash.  Spinkick Zobo and you can take
his balloon.  He likes to float around the beachfront.
Pelvis - An out-of-work Elvis impersonator Pelvis likes to slink around the
sewers.  Watch out for those microphones.  Health Loss: 2/3 Heart.
Suki Yashi - A giant Sumo with an evil sense of humor, Suki Yashi likes to 
push his way around sewers and piers.  The only way to defeat Suki Yashi is 
with a bomb.  Health Loss: One Heart.
IV. ENEMIES (continue)

Batty - Batty can't hurt you but but the wrenches he picks up and drops on 
you can.  Health Loss: None.
Hike - This superjock beach bum only hangs out on the piers.  Watch out for
his deadly punch.  Health Loss: 2/3 Heart.
Snappy the Fish - Schools of Snappys jump from the water near the piers.  
Snappys like to chomp and cling to you.  When a Snappy is clinging to you,
your jumping ability is greatly reduced.  To shake these pesky fish, jump 
and spinkick.  Health Loss: None.
Grizelda - This scary looking lady pops out of crates on the pier and throws
bombs & bottles and blows gooey kisses.  If a kiss hits you, you are 
temporarily syunned.  Kisses can be punched or spinkicked.  Health Loss: 
1/6 Heart.
IV. ENEMIES  (continue)

Swooper the Bird - If you are too low on a pier, Swooper will go after you. 
If the bird gets you, it will fly with you toward the beginning of the level.
Health Loss: None.
Demon Dan - The cleverest of all fiends.  The only way to defeat Demon Dan is
to jump on the ground causing stalactites to fall from the cavern ceiling.  
If a stalactite hits Dan, he splits in two.  But he momentarily rejoins. 
Ten split-ting hits will finally tear Demon Dan apart.  Good Luck!

V. Friends

Squirt - You'll find this walking fire hydrant hanging out on the beachfront.  
When Squirt is shooting water you can hop on and get a free ride up.
Froggy - Touch Froggy while she is jumping and you'll get throw up through 
the pipes  in the sewers.
VI. Special Hints

At the 10,000 and 30,000 point intervals, you will receive an extra man.
With careful timing, it is possible to grab a bottle, wrench, or bomb while 
it is still in the air.
If you'd like to remain on the balloon before it floats to the top and pops, 
make sure you aren't moving left or right and press the "A" Button.  You 
will fall with the balloon to the nearest solid ground.
Hitting Snappy with a bottle or an exploding bomb causes him to land on the 
dock.  You can then go over and kick him back in the water and receive 800 
In addition to the completion bonus at the end of a level, it is possible to
receive an additional bonus.
@ Beachfront - Rooftop Bonus: Complete the level on a rooftop while not 
holding a balloon.
@ Sewer - Lights Out Bonus: Complete the level with the lights out.
@ Pier - Fish Cling Bonus: Complete the level with a fish clinging to you.  
(Very Difficult To Do)
-The Warp Zone-